indigenous adj. 1.本土的,土生土长的。 2.生来的;为…所固有的 (to)。 use indigenous raw materials 就地取材。 an indigenous population 土著居民。 feelings indigenous to human beings 人类固有的感情。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Sean has a keen interest in the music of indigenous australians and in 2000 this took him to the gulf of carpenteria to produce the gulf song ; a collaborative performance piece with local children from the gkuthaarn , kukatj , lardil , kaidilt , miniginna , ganalida , garrawa , and waanyi people 另外,奥柏忧也热切推广澳洲的原住民音乐, 2000年时他曾在卡本特瑞亚湾区以海湾颂一曲结合当地许多族群的儿童进行了成功的演出。